Semantum Simulation-Based Digital Twin

Simulation-Based digital replica of the production plant


A Simulation-Based Digital Twin of production plants

A Simulation-Based Digital Twin is a digital replica of the physical assets of an industrial plant which contains both, the structure and the dynamics of how the devices or process operate.

Digital Twins are a promising application for decision support of modern facilities that can be used for efficient support of operational plants.


Our approach

Semantum Simulation-Based Digital Twin is based on first-principles simulation. First-principles models are those relying on engineering, physics or chemical descriptions to represent the behavior of the plant. In our solution, a simulation model runs together with the plant while various automatic model adaptation techniques keep the simulation results in the same state as the targeted device or process.


A holistic Simulation-Based application

Semantum Simulation-Based Digital Twin becomes a virtual sensor from which non-measured information of the current state of the plant can be obtained. The underlying simulation model can be used to obtain high-fidelity predictions, including production forecasts of operating regions from which there are not any measurement data available.

Our Digital Twin can be used for developing operator training simulation systems, for troubleshooting, or for production optimization and failure diagnoses.

The Simulation-Based Digital Twin is a holistic and powerful application for plant operation support of modern industrial plants


Automatic model generation enabled by Semantum Model Broker

Semantum Digital Twin solution leverages on the use of our Model Brokerâ„¢ to automatically generate simulation models from data aggregation of different engineering and design sources such as pipping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID), control application software and 3D plant models.

Automatic generation of simulation models and of its corresponding control application significantly increases the Digital Twin implementation cost-efficiency and dramatically reduces development and maintenance time of the underlying first-principles model.

Improve the efficiency of your business
through modeling and simulation

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